The scene is set with a poster on a street corner, a girl who cherishes her teddy bear, a street lamp and a playful moth that is drawn to the lamp. These crea...
Tezuka Osamu founded "Mushi Production," an animation studio, with his personal assets. This work was shown at its first exhibition, together with t...
This is a short, privately produced animated film. While elucidating the mystery and fuzziness as well as merits and demerits of memory in idealizing reality,...
Tezuka Osamu told us through this story that imagination, the power to fantasize, is a wonderful wing given to humans, who cannot fly. He proceeds to accuse o...
A man adrift on the sea finds three drops of water on his raft's mast. He desperately tries to get at these drops to quench his thirst, but they will not...
In the summer of 2000 in Hollywood, Spielberg's Dreamworks Film Corp. made the film "Chicken Run" with Nick Park, the great master of clay-figu...
This is an omnibus animated work unfolding along with a famous work of classical music, like a Tezuka Osamu version of "Fantasia." It consists of te...
This is a short film parodying the Hollywood major film "The Creation" directed by John Houston, with deformed pictures used in a picture-story show...
As a boy skips down a street, his stride becomes bigger and bigger, and he then jumps over towns, a forest, the sea, going higher and further. Finally he reac...
A scene from an American animated piece called "Dudley Do Right" shows a scene in which a queen is tied to a railroad track with ropes and shouting,...
Due to a delay in completion of "The Legend of the Forest," which was to be exhibited at the Hiroshima International Animation Festival, this work w...
Inspired by Tschaikovsky's fourth symphony Op. 36, "A Legend of the Forest", Tezuka Osamu worked through the concept for more than ten years in...
Hyakkimaru a paper cutout artist is a die-hard fan of Tezuka Osamu. He declined all other offers to take part in this short animation project. The story is ab...
This is Tezuka Osamu's last experimental piece. Nineteen animators from five countries competed in making animated pieces on their own faces, and these f...
The description of this work is in preparation. See the Japanese page for further description.