This is a short, privately produced animated film. While elucidating the mystery and fuzziness as well as merits and demerits of memory in idealizing reality, the story develops into a tale of destruction of human beings, turning the existence of the earth into a memory of the universe. The production, only 5 minutes long, greatly helps expand the viewer's imagination, embodying the enchantment of animation.
(c) Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd.
Exhibited at the 4th Sogetsu Animation Festival / 5 minutes 13 seconds / In color
Mushi Production Commercial Firm / September 21, 1964
Original story, story line, rendition and animation: Tezuka Osamu
Production: Tomioka Koji
Original picture: Yamamoto Shigeru
Motion: Numamoto Kiyomi
Shooting: Shimizu Tatsumasa
Music: Music composition department of Mushi Production
Effects: Ono Matsuo