This was the first original TV produced by Mushi Production, and all animation staff participated in developing characters and story. Although the work later appeared serially as a Manga, it was originally planned as an animated program. The three spacemen who are transformed into a rabbit, a horse, and a duck --- Bokko, Bukko and Nokko --- watch over the activities of a boy named Hoshi Shinichi and his elder brother Hoshi Koichi, who is a member of a group of secret agents that the Phoenix involves in the protection of the earth. The three come to the earth to decide whether to ruin or protect the planet. This is the first Japan-made made-for-TV animated program in which the Disney style was adopted --- that is, to appoint a specific animation illustrator for each specific character. The work was broadcast in the U.S. under the title "The Amazing Three."
(c) Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Mushi Production
Broadcast via FNS (Fuji Network System) / 23 minutes / Monochrome / 52 episodes
Mushi Production/ June 6, 1965 - January 30, 1966, Sundays 7:00-7:30 PM February 7, 1966 - June 27, 1966, Mondays 7:30-8:00 PM Bokko (Shiraishi Fuyumi), Pukk
Original Manga, Executive Director: Tezuka Osamu
Producer: Kurokawa Keijiro
Chief Director: Sugiyama Suguru
Picture: Nakamura Kazuko (Bokko), Matsuo Shingo (Pukko), Sugiyama Suguru (Hoshi Koichi), Miwa Takateru (Nokko), Onuki Nobuo, Tezuka Osamu, Hata Masami, Ochiai Masamune, Tsukioka Sadao, Okasako Nobuhiro, Kumano Motoo and others
Art: Nishida Minoru
Backgrounds: Nishi Yoshiro, Ito Kazue, Ito Koyo and others
Music: Uno Seiichiro
Theme Song:
"Wonder Three": lyrics by Kitagawa Yukihiko, music by Uno Seiichiro, vocals by Vocal Shop
Sound Director: Kawai Ryu