A schoolyard full of children and their teacher are under siege by angry bees. Cue Team Astro to the rescue! But the bees are just protecting their nest in a tree in the yard. Moreover, they're a key species of pollinators crucial to the environment and agriculture. The only way to resolve the conflict is through diplomacy. Fortuitously, Professor Elefun has invented mini-robo suits for Astro and Astro Kitty so they can downsize and meet the Queen Bee for peace talks.

It's a mystery why a tiny old lady is smashing spotlights outside a newly-built seaside resort. The team soon finds out ZARA is trying to help newborn turtles make their way from their nests to the sea. But the confusing light pollution isn't the only threat they face; predators are out in force, and an oil spill at sea lies in wait. It's a battle on three fronts to save the turtles but the kids have three things going for them: super-powers, super-smarts, and super synthetic spider-silk netting!

Team Astro have their biggest mission ever – to stop an asteroid hitting Earth and sending mankind the way of the dinosaurs! But when even the full arsenal of Astro’s weapons fails to smash it to smithereens, it looks like it’s the end of the world! Could Dr Serene (the world’s worst ever cook) and her homemade meatballs save the day…?

The team set out to help Ollie and his Dad find a pesticide-free solution to an aphid infestation in their rose garden. But when Astro and Astro Kitty downsize to their mini-robos to meet with the aphids, they discover the bugs are mindless piranhas that devour everything in sight, including robots. Not the best time for the boys to get stuck in mini-robo-mode thanks to OT2 malfunctioning back in the AstroLab!

Poor Astro Kitty. Thanks to Baby Gourdsky and two bear cubs, he's having the funniest worst day ever. Meanwhile, Astro and Suzu are trying to referee a battle between Mama Bear and Chip the Beaver. Mama believes Chip's dams have stopped the salmon she and her cubs need to eat from swimming upriver to their spawning grounds. The real blockage, however, is a newly-built hydro-electric dam downstream, which should include a fish ladder but doesn't. The team decides to build one without considering what blasting rock beside the dam might do. Cue collapse and flood on course for a nearby town!

Dr Serene’s experiment with a new irrigation system for her plants is interrupted by OT2 – a volcano in Japan looks like it’s about to blow its top and threaten the safetey of a city! But when Team Astro’s efforts to stop it blowing fail and the lava speeds its way to the city, they remember Dr Serene’s irrigation system and the series of run-off channels. Which means it’s time for Astro-Kitty to show off his brand-new titanium-claws…!

While Dr Blunt conducts a telepathy experiment with a chinchilla, which leaves his mind temporarily trapped in the chinchilla’s body, Team Astro investigate the mysteries of the
‘haunted’ theatre. Suzu takes to the stage and sings. Ouch! Astro and Astro-Kitty think her screeching voice should be enough to scare off any ghosts, but the haunting noises continue, until Team Astro discover the lovelorn Derek; a Lyre Bird, capable of reproducing any manmade sounds, which he incorporates into a song in the hope of attracting a mate. He and Suzu sing a duet and nearly ‘bring the house down’ when their voices blow the faulty wiring of the microphones and set the theatre on fire. Team Astro put out the fire and save the theatre, and to everyone’s surprise, Derek’s song secures a mate.

Team Astro rescues a beached whale (Lulu), separated from her family by a storm. They air-lift her out to sea but she beaches herself again because underwater navigation beacons are disrupting her sense of echolocation. Trouble is the beacons are vital to shipping and fishing, a fact made clear when another storm threatens to dash a fishing boat on the rocks. The kids are torn. How can they help Lulu reunite with her family and lead the fisherman to safe harbour? The answer lies in Suzu's new supersonic hearing-aids.

Someone is interfering with the mobile phone networks, causing communication chaos around the world. Team Astro track down and confront the man responsible – PHINEAS FANDANGO – a once brilliant scientist who lost his love of the digital world when he couldn’t work out the voicemail system on his Smartphone. By way of revenge against all things ‘modern’, Fandango plans to insert his Big Boom virus into OT2, which will in turn destroy every other computer in the world. Can the kids escape from Fandango’s trap and recharge their batteries with turbine power in time to prevent the Big Boom virus going BOOM!

Professor Elefun doesn’t appear to be himself. And, indeed, he isn’t; he’s a robot. The real Elefun has been kidnapped and a robot left behind in his place to disguise the real Elefun’s absence. Dr Blunt mistreats the robot, enjoying the pretence of being in charge. Team Astro, using the skills of their favourite characters from the detective show Bash Banner, track Elefun down to a remote house on a remote island, only to discover that the whole exercise has been a test, devised by Elefun to improve the team’s powers of deduction. Elefun’s accomplices in the kidnap deception are his two elderly aunts, but now the test is over, they don’t want to let Elefun go. They intend to keep their little ‘Elfie’ FOREVER, knitting him oversized sweaters and smothering him with coo-chi-coo kisses.

Oops. When the heavy-cold-suffering Dr Blunt accidentally drinks the miniaturised Astro and Astro-Kitty, his body marshals its immune system to destroy the invaders. It’s a race against time to get our micro-heroes out of Dr Blunt before they’re devoured by either the immune system forces or deadly cold virus army. Because there’s even worse news – their special power-packs have a limited life-span. As will Dr Blunt if the rest of the team can’t get them out of him before they explode!

Having built their own toy windmill the team are surprised when what they learned helps them build a much bigger windmill to help direct the pollution from a factory away from a school in a nearby valley.

Suzu and Astro are obsessed with playing a computer game, but must travel to Antarctica with Astro Kitty to save some Emperor penguins who are stuck in the sea and threatened by seals. Research scientist Maria, stationed on a ship nearby, explains that climate change has caused a huge piece of the iceberg on which the penguins live to fall off into the sea. Team Astro finds a solution for the penguins but – anxious to return to their computer game – Suzu and Astro fail to pay enough attention to new cracks in the ice. As they return to the Astrolab, Maria sends an urgent SOS – an even bigger piece of the iceberg threatens to crash into the sea, and her ship’s anchor is stuck. Team Astro must return and realise their job isn’t done until they have performed a daring underwater rescue.

Suzu is thrilled with her new app, which identifies and assesses the potential danger of animal species. But Team Astro is called away on a mission to sub-Saharan Africa, where Dakarai and Akua are trapped in a tree with a lion behaving erratically below. Team Astro rescues them, and with Astro Kitty’s feline knowledge they track the lion. Suzu and Astro realize there is a serious problem with the lions’ water supply – a river has run dry. When Suzu locates an alternative river, she’s pleased with herself – but finds out, too late, that it is contaminated by waste from an old gold mine. Team Astro must work with Dakarai and Akua to give the lions an antidote, and to make sure the river is made safe to drink.

A family of farmers need help in stopping their farm from becoming desert. The team show the family the importance of not chopping down trees, and then take to the air to fight an approaching dust storm. With the help of a new invention of Dr Serene's they are able to keep the desert from approaching any closer.

There have been reports of a sea monster sinking fishing vessels in the Mariana Trench. Team Astro search the exotic depths of the trench, hoping to find the creature and prevent any further shipwrecks. Dr Blunt is also hunting for the creature, but his motives are more selfish. He just wants to show off to the scientific community by being the first person to discover a new species of Gigantism. Unfortunately for all concerned, Dr Blunt is carrying out his hunt in a bathyscape, which he doesn’t know how to drive properly. When the monster is finally found, it is only the first significant discovery of the day; the second is that the monster was NOT responsible for sinking the fishing boats – it was an unwitting Dr Blunt in his out-of-control bathyscape.

A mother stork appeals for help. The lake where she fishes has become polluted. The team discover the culprit is duckweed. It has grown there due to the misguided actions of someone feeding the local ducks. They use a bubble cannon to clear the duckweed and help the lake recover.

Dr Serene deals with a secret fear of Dr Blunt’s beloved octopus, Simone. When Team Astro is called upon to carry out an underground rescue, Astro Kitty wrestles with a phobia of his own – fear of the dark. Astro Kitty finds the strength to help rescue Mateo, a speleologist trapped in an underground cave system, and his digging leads everyone to fresh air and freedom. But Team Astro makes a worrying discovery – the underground floods have eroded the limestone they’re passing through, and have created a potential sinkhole, directly beneath a major office building! Team Astro must evacuate the building, but Astro Kitty is trapped inside and must use all his bravery and ingenuity to find a way to save himself.

Team Astro responds to a call from a head zoo keeper whose prize gorilla has made a break for freedom, taking a little girl hostage. They quickly discover they cannot use force, but must think their way to a solution instead. The situation seems hopeless until Suzu realizes that it all comes down to whether the gorilla is male or female.

Dr Blunt is relishing his role as chef to the Astrolab team, but when he cooks with Dr Serene’s Jerusalem artichiokes, he suffers intense embarrassment when flatulence strikes… Team Astro hurries to Siberia, where anxious scientist Yuri has been unable to rescue his colleague Elena. The ground gave way as they dug for ice samples in the permafrost. The rescue begins, but Professor Elefun warns the team to beware of highly-flammable methane. A moment of carelessness by Astro Kitty nearly spells disaster, when a metal tool falls from his backpack and strikes a spark which ignites the methane… Only a serious blast of Astro and Astro Kitty’s jet boots can keep them one step ahead of catastrophe.

The kids persuade Prof Elefun to take them to their favourite movie’s theme park – home of the giant Trashco robot. But when Astro-Kitty’s gleeful feeding of every piece of trash he can lay his hands on brings it to life, Trashco goes on the rampage. Team Astro need to stop it and fast because Trasco eats EVERYTHING! By the way, has anyone seen where the Professor and Astro-Kitty got to…?

While Dr Serene proudly tends her precious – but foul- smelling plant titan arum, out on a vast prairie Team Astro must protect wildlife from an approaching tornado. A group white-tailed deer is at risk, but prairie dogs give Team Astro the idea of seeking shelter underground. Astro Kitty digs a burrow big enough for the deer to shelter, but one young deer is hiding in a danger zone
beneath a highway overpass. They save him, but discover that the tornado is heading for a city, threatening even more destruction. Astro and Astro Kitty get caught in the tornado and only Astro’s ice cannon can save them.

It's all Astro Kitty's fault. If he hadn't chased Baby Gourdsky while everyone else was trying to figure out why all the Gourdskis were ill, he wouldn't have been sucked into the Quantum Gate that leads to their home dimension inside the MAGE. Now Astro and Suzu have to brave multiple mind-blowing dimensions (in the MAGE) in order to find him. But it proves a journey worth taking as it reveals the astonishing way the Gourdskis predict emergencies in the
'real' world.

Dr Serene develops some superhot chillies that set Dr Blunt’s mouth burning. Later Astro Boy and gang head for Asia where a herd of elephants are heading for a new road that runs across their traditional migration route. Astro Kitty digs the elephants a tunnel under the road to prevent an accident but after they come out the other side the elephants start gobbling up a farmer’s mango crop. The team can’t get the elephants to stop scoffing the mangos - it’s just in their nature. When Astro sprays the mangos with a sauce made from Dr Serene’s superhot chillis the elephants run off to their watering hole and the farmer’s crop is saved.

The team successfully rescues a group of construction workers who became trapped when the tunnel they were building collapsed. But when Astro stays behind to check for others he also gets pinned under a fall of rocks. Suzu and Astro Kitty must free their friend with the aid of some prisms and lenses before the whole mountain comes down on their heads.

Team Astro rockets off on a mission to repair a satellite damaged by space debris, and trace the origin of the debris in case more of it threatens the satellite systems (and International Space Station) in Low Earth Orbit. They discover the debris comes from a satellite sent to the outer Graveyard Orbit on decommissioning. Unstable materials caused it to explode recently; now the team must clean up all the wreckage. Easy said than done when there's so much of it pin-balling out of control AND Astro Kitty has a very bad case of bad karma.

When Professor Elefun conducts an experiment to show how it is possible to walk on water-and-cornflour, Dr Blunt decides to go one better. But Team Astro is called away to help Alison, a park ranger, lead wildlife to safety before an earthquake strikes. Astro Kitty helps rescue some bobcats, but the Team finds a young elk in serious trouble – its legs are stuck in the earth, which has liquefied as a result of the earth tremor, then returned to its solid state. Astro Kitty, who has risked himself to help the elk, is trapped too… and only his ultrasonic blaster can save him.

What looks like a routine bit of pest control turns into a
‘Gremlins’ style nightmare as Astro and the team attempt to defeat a growing army of out-of-control rats that has descended on a shopping mall. What makes matters worse is that the key to why the rats have gone so crazy can’t be seen or touched – it can only be smelt!

Dr Amy Blunt is the antithesis of her dour brother; friendly, funny, and mad-genius bonkers. She also needs help regaining control over her 'babies' (aka GARGANTUAN INSECTS), now on the loose following a power outage and security system breakdown in their bio-dome home. Making matters harder for Astro... Suzu and Astro Kitty are no longer on speaking terms.

The team is summoned to help prevent a rampaging white rhino from terrorizing a small African village, destroying crops and homes. They need to find out why this normally docile creature is behaving this way, but first they have to slow it down. What follows is a lesson in how the very meekest, tiniest of nature’s creatures can sometimes bring down the mightiest.

The maize crops of a South American village are being eaten by an infestation of termites, and Maurice is caught stealing Dr Blunt’s favourite cheese. Dr Blunt confines Maurice to his cage in the vain hope of rehabilitating him. Team Astro attempt a number of unsuccessful organic methods to save the village’s crops, and Astro and Suzu think it’s funny to give Astro-Kitty the dirtiest and smelliest jobs. Astro-Kitty rebels, puts on his mini-robo suit and joins the termite colony, where he wins the heart of the queen and becomes her king. Astro-Kitty redeems his temporary act of Team- Astro-desertion by saving Suzu from a watery grave and finding alternative accommodation for the termites; Maurice, on the other hand, chooses a turkey leg over rehabilitation.

When Professor Elefun models a new drone on Dr Blunt’s rhinoceros beetle, Dr Blunt sets out to prove that he can do better. They’re interrupted by an emergency call from a peninsula in the Indian Ocean, where tremors below the seabed are early indications that a tsunami is on the way. Team Astro must help wildlife ranger Kasun move animals including sloth bears, storks and elephants to higher ground on the mainland. Astro Kitty forms a special bond with elephant Madara, but he underestimates the danger he is in when the tide suddenly goes out. Team Astro and Madara are caught up in the tsunami and remember the warnings of Professor Elefun – some acts of nature are just too powerful to fight against. Using the power of the wave, Team Astro and Madara allow themselves to be carried to the safety of the mainland.

Professor Elefun seeks to reduce electricity use in the Astrolab, while Dr Blunt tries to prove that the key to mankind’s energy needs lies with the tiny pea aphid. An emergency call comes from a distant city hit by an electricity blackout caused by too much demand. Professor Elefun’s great rival, arrogant and headstrong scientist Dr Fusion, is carrying out a hazardous experiment on antimatter in the city, and without a proper cooling system, his lab could explode with devastating consequences. Team Astro has to persuade him to end the experiment, but when they see it’s too late to avoid an explosion, Astro and Astro Kitty must take the explosive equipment and fly with it into space where it can do no harm.

Professor Elefun is enjoying the peace and quiet as Dr Blunt and Dr Serene are away on a skiing holiday. But when a minor avalanche engulfs them, Team Astro has to go and save the day. Tensions rise between Dr Blunt and Dr Serene (who never wanted Blunt to come with her in the first place) until Dr Serene can hold her tongue no longer. Yelling at Dr Blunt, Dr Serene inadvertently sets off a bigger, more devastating avalanche in which she and Dr Blunt are trapped beneath the snow. Dr Serene keeps calm and demonstrates vital survival skills as Team Astro – with the help of Professor Elefun, who doesn’t welcome the interruption – try to find exactly where they are buried. Astro’s highly sensitive ears, teamed with Astro Kitty’s excellent digging skills, bring the mission to a successful conclusion.

SYNOPSIS: A pre-historic fungal spore is discovered frozen and
preserved in the Arctic. When the spore is defrosted for
experimentation, it infects the scientific team, including Dr Blunt,
and starts to spread, threatening to break out of the botanical research centre and turn the whole of Mankind into little more than a collection of walking mushrooms. Team Astro have to not only contain the fungal invasion, but also return Dr Blunt to his old self, which some say is even more repellent than leaving him as a toadstool.

It's a dark stormy night and Suzu's birthday party is full swing. Cue a new emergency! The team jets off to the scene but while en route, lightening strikes the AstroLab and splits the vortex in the MAGE. End result: the boys wind up back in the Lab while Suzu winds up on a deserted island with a volcano on the verge of eruption. The boys set out to rescue her but she's no damsel in
distress; more like Robinson Crusoe in the form of a little girl with super survival skills and an inventiveness to rival her

Team Astro answer an emergency call to save an out-of- control submersible but when they arrive on the scene, they’re stunned to see another ‘super team’ has arrived before them. But are Team Cosmo really super or the cunning creation of eccentric inventor Phineas Fandango? Because when Team Cosmo’s efforts to steal the limelight result in the sub getting into even more danger, Team Astro must act super-fast to save it.

A gang of outdated Artificial Intelligence robots, led by a giant arachnobot, escape from a robotarium – a kind of robot zoo – and cause chaos in the local town by applying their skills in unhelpful ways: giving bad haircuts instead of trimming hedges, hoovering up fire hydrants, and force feeding the population with hors d’oeuvres. Team Astro go head-to-head with the rampaging robots, but Elefun doesn’t make it easy for the team, because he insists they are not allowed to use their gadgets. He doesn’t want the old- fashioned robots harmed. And things get really weird when the robots start singing and dancing, and the only way to bring them under control is to give them a big cheer and a round of applause.

Astro Kitty fails to complete an OS update and causes havoc when the gang are trying to put out a wild fire in Africa. However, Astro Kitty ends up proving himself a hero by saving a mother bird and her eggs even while he’s malfunctioning and losing all his special robot powers. Meanwhile, Astro Boy and Suzu use what Elefun has taught them about condensation to make a giant cloud extinguish the fire.

Professor Elefun and Dr Blunt are locked in battle over a contest to see who can “land” an egg safely after dropping it, using wind resistance. The competition is interrupted by a call for help from Beijing Airport, where the head of air traffic control, Maylin, is trying in vain to fix the communications system. Suzu re- establishes radio contact with the last two planes that need to land, and the first is brought down safely, with the help of one of Astro Kitty’s gadgets. But as the hailstorm intensifies, hailstones damage the engines of the final plane, causing the pilots to lose control. It looks like the plane will crash down on the centre of Beijing! In a tense high speed mission, Astro uses a giant tent as a parachute to slow the plane, while Astro Kitty steadies it. Together, Team Astro lands the plane safely, bringing the mission to a nail-biting finale.

A Trojan Virus called Atlas, infects OT2 and forces OT2 to hide in a ‘ghost file’ somewhere deep inside the hard drive. Team Astro, via cables and a virtual reality helmet, ‘enter’ the computer to search for OT2. While Team Astro battle Atlas inside the computer, Atlas takes control of Astrolab on the outside, and uses Elefun’s workbench to build a robot body, which, mistaking Dr Blunt and Maurice for fellow robots, incorporates them into its structure. Can Team Astro rescue OT2 before Atlas completes his robot body and carries out its plan to annihilate mankind, starting with Elefun, Dr
Serene, Dr Blunt and Maurice?

A town in South Asia, famous for its annual firework display that celebrates the local red panda reserve, has had to cancel this year’s celebration because the pandas are ill. Team Astro discover the reserve is located on top of an old toxic dump, and the rusting barrels of combustible chemicals are threatening to combine, which will trigger a chain reaction of explosions that could destroy not just the reserve, but also the whole town. Team Astro diffuse the situation fast, but while they save the town, they are unable to save the fireworks. However, thanks to Astro-Kitty’s ability to create spectacular sparks by playfully ‘colliding’ his metal body against Astro’s, Team Astro are able to put on their own firework display to celebrate the saving of the red pandas.

Team Astro are looking forward to their next big world- saving mission, but – when they arrive on a small French Polynesian island – they’re disappointed to discover the ‘big’ emergency is only that ‘fish is off the menu’! But they wouldn’t be called out by OT2 if there wasn’t a real crisis and further investigation leads to the shocking truth – the coral reef that supports the local ocean sea- life is under threat! This little problem has suddenly become a BIG one. Can Team Astro save the coral reef, the local sea-life, the fishing business, the tourist trade AND The Coconut Cafe?

Dr. Blunt gets jealous when Dr. Serene wins a science competition, and he vows to complete the same challenge… but faster.Astro, Astro Kitty and Suzu are sent on a mission to help a captain and his engineer whose cargo ship is stuck in a plastic mass in the Pacific Ocean. The plastic mass is formed by junk thrown into the ocean by careless humans. Astro quickly clears a path for the container using one of his gadgets, but they discover that the plastic mass quickly reforms and poses a hazard to marine wildlife: dolphins who get tangled up in it and can’t surface to breathe and turtles who like to eat the plastic bag, thinking they’re some species of jellyfish. Having saved all the animals, Astro and Astro Kitty melt the plastic and turn it into an enormous rubber ducky, which they ride back home. Dr. Blunt completes his science challenge in record time, but because he was so careless in his haste, it literally blows up in his face.

Dr Serene vows to improve Dr Blunt’s manners after he is accused of behaving like a caveman in the company of his fellow scientists. Team Astro, meanwhile, are sent to retrieve the fossil from the ice cave before the ice cave collapses under the weight of an underground lake, which is on the verge of rupturing after recent seismic tremors. Despite ice walls blocking their way, stalactites falling like arrows, and the raging waters of the flooding cave, Team Astro save the fossil. Whereas, Dr Blunt’s salvation is only temporary–under Dr Serene’s guidance, he acquires all the good manners of a civilisation gentleman, but then, after spilling scalding tea into his lap, he reverts to the rude and ranting Neanderthal they all know and love.

Professor Elefun is demonstrating to the kids how static electric is generated, when an emergency call arrives via the MAGE. A violent thunderstorm is moving across mountains where a farmer, Isandro, is trying to lead his llamas to safety. Astro Kitty proves to be a big hit with the llamas, leading them to the safety of their shed beside a lake. The worst seems to be over until quick-thinking Suzu notices that power-lines brought down by the storm have fallen into the lake. The water is rising and there’s a danger that the llamas could be electrocuted by electricity conducted by the water. Astro and Astro Kitty must use their strength to move the llamas – shed and all – away from the source of the danger.

Dr Blunt has been left in charge of the lab and is keen to impose his old-fashioned ideas of schoolroom discipline on Astro, Suzu and gum-chewing Astro Kitty, who are less than impressed. While he teaches a lesson about inertia and momentum, Professor Elefun and Dr Serene are on board the first journey of The Blue Knight Express, a train designed by Professor Elefun’s old rival, the egotistical Dr Fusion. But when the train’s speed reaches an unsafe level, Team Astro must rescue everyone on board. It becomes clear that the train’s speedometer has broken, so Dr Fusion has no idea how fast it is really going. Team Astro warns him to brake, but the high speeds cause the brakes to melt and disintegrate. Worse, Suzu sees they’re heading for a bend they can’t possibly get around safely at this speed! Suzu and Astro Kitty change the points and uncouple the engine from its carriages, then find that the train is hurtling towards a deep canyon – and the viaduct is not yet built! The train begins to speed up even further as it hits a slope, leaving Astro and Astro Kitty no choice but to use their boots as brakes. Astro has to find a further, desperate solution, halting the train at the last moment, before it topples over a precipice.

Heavy rainfall has caused a ‘lahar’ mudslide on the side of a mountain in South East Asia. Astro, Suzu and Astro Kitty go to save Wahid, an elderly man whose house is surrounded by a torrent of mud, but he does not understand how urgently he needs to leave. Taking great care, the team rescue Wahid and deposit him with his son in a local village. When the crater lake at the top of the mountain threatens to spill out and wash away the village Team Astro use the siphon effect to drain out all the water. Meanwhile, back at the Astrolab, Dr Blunt does not want to drink Dr Serene’s detox smoothie and is trying to print a cheeseburger.

Uh-oh, a colony of snow monkeys is freezing on a Japanese mountain – the heated water from the geyser has run dry and their hot-pool has frozen solid.It’s up to Team Astro to find a solution to get the hot water turned back on again. And their task would be much easier if those cheeky monkeys weren’t such practical jokers – just ask poor Astro-Kitty!

All is not what it seems when Team Astro goes to rescue of a boy (Moé) under attack by crows in a playground. They soon find out the birds didn't start the fight; Moé did when he crippled one crow with his slingshot, believing the 'dirty nasty creature' infected his pet cat with a disease. Now the crows, led by genius booby-trapper Trixie, are determined to make Moé face his fate in Crow Court. His only hope of acquittal depends on Team Astro proving he acted out of ignorance not malice, and Dr Blunt proving he really is a brilliant zoologist / veterinary surgeon.

Suzu has a cold so she's not allowed to join the boys on their investigation into the disappearance of a miner and a dog amid rumours of a werewolf haunting a quarry. Astro Kitty would trade places if he could because… werewolf? Yikes! Paranormal stuff freaks him out. But when the boys and the dog's buddy Alejo go missing as well, Professor Elefun gives Suzu her own remote-control mini-robo so she can fly to their rescue, via a VR Helmet, while remaining safe in the AstroLab.

Astro, Suzu and Astro Kitty head into space to rescue the crewmembers of the Lunarbug, a spacecraft whose propulsion system has malfunctioned. Team Astro must get the Lunarbug back to the safety of
Earth’s atmosphere before a dangerous wave of plasma ejected by the Sun hits them all. When each attempt to increase the speed of the Lunarbug fails, Astro is forced to take an extreme measure. Meanwhile, back at the Astrolab, Dr Blunt is having great difficulty removing an exoskeleton suit of armour that has become very attached to him.