This is the third original animation that was created for the Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum. This production is not an original Tezuka Osamu work and the story is not about Tezuka Osamu himself. The protagonist is a young boy who has a magic piece of chalk and can draw amazing pictures; he is believed to have been modeled on Tezuka Osamu. The animation features the exchanges between the solitary Butchy and Margaret, who inhabits the flamboyant world of show business, and the lush natural scenes that flow from the magic chalk. This fantasy was created by Tezuka Makoto.


(C) Tezuka Productions

Tezuka Productions, Takarazuka "Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum"/showing at the Takarazuka "Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum" from June 29, 1995
Showing at the Atom Vision Screening Hall/13 minutes/color


Supervisor and original plan: Tezuka Makoto
Producers: Shimizu Yoshihiro, Kubota Minoru
Director: Yamamoto Eiichi
Animation director: Sugino Akio
Art director: Abe Yukio
Music: Tanigawa Kensaku
Camera work director: Takahashi Hiroko
Finishing tests: Okano Tsuyoshi
Shooting: Takahashi Productions