Tezuka Osamu World, located in the Kyoto Station Building, features a 300-inch theater that shows his original short animated films. One piece capturing the essence of his most famous work, and another that depicts historical episodes of Kyoto, are shown as a double feature with "The Phoenix" as narrator. This is the fourth original animated piece for the Tezuka Osamu Animation theater that takes up Tezuka Osamu's message of "Saving our Fragile Earth" as its theme, and together with Unico's adventures commemorates the theater's first anniversary. Unico, a unicorn's child, has dropped down from heaven. During her journey on the north wind, she meets Tsubasa, a tree boy who can speak. The Earth has become totally ruined to the extent that no creature can live there, because humans have drained it of all resources and destroyed the environment. Unico and Tsubasa go on a journey to find a way to make the Earth inhabitable again. They finally meet the Sphinx and the "time fairy" at the end of their hard journey. They decide to go back to the past and prevent humans from taking the wrong path. However, they can stay in the past for only five minutes. Will they be able to alter the future of the Earth in such short time? Their adventures to restore the Earth begin...
Screenplay: Morita Mayumi
Director and Rendition: Nishida Masayoshi
Animation Director: Nishida Masayoshi
Original Picture: Nishida Masayoshi, Yoshimura Masateru, Miura Atsuya, Katayama Miyuki, Hosoi Mieko, Iwasa Yuko, Shimizu Kenichi, Furuse Noboru
Animation Check: Okamura Takashi, Tanaka Yoshimi
Animation: Peking Sharaku Arts Co., Ltd., Hata Asuka, Yamaguchi Fumio, Nakagawa Wataru, Kin Meichin, Yoshida Aya, Takayanagi Tomiko, Takamori Kumiko, Yang Pei Chun, Yoshikawa Yumiko
Art: Shibata Masato, Iwasaki Kiyohiro, Kanno Takanobu, Nagashima Tetsuhiko, Ohashi Noriko, Matsumoto Hiroki
Backgrounds: Inada Kaori, Sakai Yoshimi, Matsuzaki Midori
Color: Obari Yuko
Finishing Check: Obari Yuko, Okano Tsuyoshi, Saito Kyoko
Finishing: Peking Sharaku Arts Co., Ltd.
Digital Processor: Kawazoe Megumi, Aburaya Yumi, Yoshida Megumi
Special Effects: Sakakibara Toyohiko
Title, Risu work: Maki Production
Music Production: COMPANY AZA
Song: Koroku Reijirou
Sound Production: Arts Production
Music Selection: Aida Yutaka
Recording Studio: Tabakku
Editing: Morita Editing Room
Video Editing: Studio Twinkle Land
Developing: Imagica
Camera: Takahashi Production
Producers: Kubota Minoru, Udagawa Sumio
Production Chief: Yanagisawa Mitsuko
Production Manager: Oguchi Yukihiro