The cough medicine "Ekihosu" was sold at the kiosk of the station. There were four small bottles of Ekihosu and one big bottle. The big bottle of Ekihosu hoped that somebody would buy it soon, but nobody did because it was big and expensive. The small bottles were bought one after another, but the big bottle was left behind feeling lonely. One day, however, a mother whose child had suddenly fallen ill rushed to the kiosk and asked the shopkeeper for cough medicine. She would buy it whether it was expensive or in a big bottle, she said. Now, finally it was the big bottle's turn. The big bottle of Ekihosu was very proud to be bought for the sick child waiting for it.


It is very hard work to get little children to take medicine. But reading this story of "Ekihosu" would be a good way to persuade them, don't you think? Once a child knows that medicine wants to be drunk by children, even a fretful child will open his mouth wide.