This is a short animated piece designed that was to attract new students for Yamaha electric organ classes. A puppy, Poko, jumps out of a refrigerator and takes a boy, Misuke, to an ice world full of adventure through the refrigerator. In the ice world, there is a girl called Nally who wants warm food. So they try to find some warm food for her, but everything freezes so quickly in the ice world...


(c) Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd.
Promotion film of Yamaha Electron / 16 minutes / In Color
Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / July 1970


Planning: Nihon Gakki-Seizo Co., Ltd. (Yamaha)
Original Plan, Story line and Producer: Tezuka Osamu
Animation Director: Sugii Gisaburo
Finish: Ikeda Keiko
Backgrounds: Mukuo Studio
Camera: Sugaya Masaaki
Song: Yokoyama Seiji
Sound: Tashiro Atsumi