This original video animation series were produced based on the Manga of the same title, but only the same settings were employed. Though inspired by the original Manga, each episode is a completely new story. Characters newly designed by Sugino Akio were used in place of Tezuka Osamu's drawings.

Karte: 7 Black and White

A civil war breaks out in the Middle East. Black Jack fearlessly marches into a refugee camp following his patient Karen. He decides to perform an emergency operation on her, even though the environment is terrible. Volunteer doctor Catherine, who at first opposes such a reckless decision, is overwhelmed by his outstanding surgical skills and his strong determination to save the patient by all means. Doctors observing Karen's scar (she was transported to New York some time later) are impressed by the surgical skills and the surgeon's sincere attitude towards the patient. Supported by Catherine's enthusiastic endorsement, the doctors agree that an international doctor's license should be granted to Black Jack. The Committee members are soon called up for a meeting. Among them is a man who critical of Black Jack's ways: a man called Shirabyoshi. He has a strong sense of justice and believes that Black Jack is not qualified as a doctor due to his practice of charging exorbitant prices for every treatment. The original Manga is also entitled "Black and White." A message of the story is that the world would be much simpler if people could determine what is "just" based on whether one simply follow rules or not. But Black Jack has his own sense of justice: he tries to discern "the true color of the person," a question that cannot be answered in terms of "black" or "white."


(c) Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Akita Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. / Columbia Edutainment

Released by Akita Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd., Forte Music Entertainment and Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. / 49 - 52 minutes / In color (Original Video)
BJ Production Executive Committee of Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / December 21, 1993 - May 21, 1996


Original Manga: Tezuka Osamu
Director: Dezaki Osamu
Picture Director: Sugino Akio
Screenplay: Dezaki Osamu, Hiyoshi Megumi
Rendition: Yoshimura Fumihiro
Medical Supervision: Nagai Akira
Planning: Matsuya Takamasa, Shimizu Yoshihiro
Character Design: Sugino Akio
Editing: Morita Seiji (Morita Editorial Office)
Producer: Kubota Minoru, Udagawa Sumio
Music Director: Suzuki Seiji
Music Producer: Kumata Kazuo
"Moon Shadow"
Lyrics and song by Miyahara Manabu
Arranged by THE ORANGE VOX
Performed by THE ORANGE VOX

"Black Jack"
Lyrics and music by Miyahara Manabu
Arranged by THE ORANGE VOX