This work was produced as the ninth special animated piece for the 24-hour television program by Tezuka Production, which took full charge of the original story, screenplay and director. Tezuka Osamu crafts a love story in the time when humans are expanding into space at the end of the 21st century, employing an omnibus form similar to Bradbury's "Martian Chronicle." The story line is similar to "Phoenix: Nostalgia." Leaving the earth after marriage, a woman is left behind in space when her husband suddenly dies of a cosmic disease. These background details were used in "The Phoenix" as well. This time, her friends on the Earth head for space to save the woman who was once everyone's ideal lady. In this special animated piece, Tezuka Osamu emphasizes his basic concepts that "love can save the earth" and "only love can save humans."


(c) Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd.
Broadcast via Nippon Television network / 73 minutes / In Color
Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / August 24, 1986, Sunday 10:00 - 11:35


Original Plan, Screenplay and Director: Tezuka Osamu
Planning: (Nippon Television) Tsuzuki Tadahiko
Producers: Takei Hidehiko (Nippon Television), Matsutani Takayuki (Tezuka Productions), Nagai Shuho (Tohoku Shinsha)
Rendition: Uemura Osamu, Iuchi Shuji, Mukojima Wataru, Natsuhime Ryonosuke, Hamatsu Mamoru, (with support of Hosaka Kazuhiko)
General Animation Director: Takahashi Shinya
Animation: Okasako Tsunehiro, Kamimura Sachiko
Character Design and Mechanic Design: Obara Shohei
Art Director and Settings Design: Katsumata Geki
Assistant Producers: Tarumi Yasuki (Nippon Television), Kubota Minoru (Tezuka Production), Kawai Noriyuki (Sente Studio)
Shooting Director: Sugaya Nobuyuki
Editing: Kakesu Shuichi
Music: Haneda Kentaro
"Mozart Piano Concerto No.23" played by KURZWEIL 250, Usagi-Gumi
Original Pictures: Ogata Yasuhiko, Kojima Hideto, Kanayama Akihiro, Kobayashi Junji, Kano Kaoru, Komasa, Seo Yasuhiro, Noma Toshi, Seya Shinji, Hayashi Takafumi, Senba Takatsuna, Yoshimura Masateru, Tanisawa Yutaka
Animation: Katada Takanobu, Sekiguchi Keiyu, Yoshizawa Yaeko
Backgrounds: Akashi Sadakazu, Ishizu Setsuko, Ito Taro, Saito Masami, Shimono Tetsuto and others
Recording Director: Date Yasumasa
Music Selection: Suzuki Seiji