This is the original serialized story for the theatrical film "The Phoenix," the theme of which is the immortality of life. Against the background of a futuristic universe, Godo, who at first has karma as a human being, is transformed into a god through numerous ordeals. As this was the first full-animated film, the outlines of human figures are slightly blurred, presenting a technical problem to be overcome. The entire story reflects Tezuka Osamu's desire to portray transformation, including the episode in which a female-shaped robot falls in love with a man and has her dream granted by the Phoenix.


(c) Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd. / Toho
Released at Toho's movie theaters for foreign films / 122 minutes / In color
Tezuka Production Co., Ltd. / March 15, 1980

Winner of the Inkpot Award at the 1980 San Diego Comic Convention, and the
Animation Award at the 1st Las Vegas Film Festival, 1980


Original Manga, story line and general direction: Tezuka Osamu
Executive Producers: Ichikawa Kiichi, Aketagawa Susumu
Director: Sugiyama Suguru
Screenplay: Tezuka Osamu, Sugiyama Suguru
Animation Director: Nakamura Kazuko, Ishiguro Noboru
Layout and Mechanics Animation Supervisor: Kogawa Tomokane
Art: Matsumoto Tsuyoshi, Itoh Shinji
Settings: Moto Noriyuki, Shinohara Hiroshi
Mechanics Design: Ozu Satomi
Music: Higuchi Yasuo
Violin: Senju Mariko
Music Performance: ORCHESTRA-2772
Shooting and Special Effects: Yamaki Iwao
Sound: Aketagawa Susumu
Recording: Miyamoto Takashi
Editing: Inoue Kazuo
Optical Editing: Furukawa Masashi
Original pictures: Miwa Takateru, Takahashi Shinya, Masanobu Kozo, Shirakawa Tadashi, Kobayashi Junji, Nishimura Hiroshi, Kanayama Akihiro, Handa Teruo, Fujioka Masanori, Fudaki Ikuo, Tsuchida Koichi, Tomizawa Kazuo, Kogawa Tomokane, Udagawa Kazuhiko, Nakamura Kazuko, Suzuki Shinichi, Ishiguro Noboru, Katsui Chikao, Sakaguchi Hisashi, Tezuka Osamu
Color Designation and Finishing: Takahashi Tomiko
Assistant Director: Yasuno Takashi
Motion picture: Ogata Yasuhiko, Kato Masako, Kano Kaoru, Sugiyama Kyoko, Kawaguchi Tomoko, Seya Shinji, Ishiyama Shigeko, Ibuki Ayumi, Noma Toshi, Nishimori Mayumi, Uchida Yoshihiro, Kanaumi Yumiko, Kadoe Yoko, Sugiyama Toyomi, Tamaki Tsuyoshi, Narumi Atsuko, Saito Akemi, Chiba Junzo, Saruyama Jiro, Kasahara Akira, Kamata Kimie, Hanaoka Masayo, Takahashi Tadashi, Yoshimura Masaki and others
Backgrounds: Makino Mitsunari, Waki Takeshi, Anzai Tetsuo, Sasaki Hiroshi, Akiho Tomie, Yamamoto Susumu, Ishizu Setsuko, Kobayashi Production, Kobayashi Shichiro, Toyama Kumiko, Kouda Yukiko, Katsui Kazuko, Itoh Natsuko and others
Settings: Komatsu Sakyo, Gerald Cook, and Frederick Shot
Background Animation for the Opening Title: Watanabe Yoshio
Doll production: Iizawa Kishichi